I’m being bullied


If somebody repeatedly hurts you or verbally abuses you, that’s bullying. Specific types of bullying include:

  • homophobic bullying based on your sexual orientation

  • racist bullying because of your skin colour or ethnicity

  • religious bullying because of your beliefs or faith.

  • sizeist bullying referring to your body size

  • sexist bullying focusing on you being of the opposite sex

  • cyberbullying targeting you online, often anonymously

  • bullying because you are different

Bullying can be a one-off or it can go on for a long time. And bullying can happen to anyone.

How can I help?

If the bullying is happening at school;

  • Talk to your parents/guardians and a teacher you can trust. This will kick off the school’s anti-bullying policy. 

  • If you feel uncomfortable talking to a teacher, as a friend, if they can support you. You can also talk to a school counsellor if you have one. 

  • If the bullying keeps happening, keep reporting it. 

If the bullying is happening outside of school;

  • Talk to your parents/guardians. They’ll be able to help you. 

  • If talking to your parents/guardians isn’t possible, try to find a trusted adult, such as a youth worker or teacher. 

If the bullying is happening online;

  • Tell a trusted adult. 

  • You can report abusive posts on social media platforms. 

  • You can also report abuse to CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre). 

  • Wherever the bullying is coming from, don’t stop reporting it until it stops. It may not stop the first time you tell someone. Don’t put up with it, you don’t deserve to be bullied. 

  • If you want to talk to a counsellor about bullying, get in contact using the form below and we’ll get back to you ASAP.